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Friday, September 16, 2022

The 3 Most Important Travel Tips for Couples

 While going on a trip with your significant other may conjure images of romantic meals and sunset kisses, the reality is often less than ideal. Traveling may be a stressful experience, and if you're unprepared, being in an unknown environment can make things worse.

 If you and your vacation companion are not on the same page, the expectations of cramming each afternoon with excursions, staying to the budget, and long-haul travel days may be a minefield. However, the benefits far exceed any slight difficulties you may run into. Couples that travel together develop solid ties and priceless experiences to share with the one they care about most.

The 3 Most Important Travel Tips for Couples

Use these 3 travel hacks to ensure you and your spouse can easily enjoy your romantic holiday, whether it's your first trip together or you've been married for years.

Setting a Budget and Expectations

Money can create conflict wherever you go, whether in Euros, Pesos, or Dollars if you're not forthright about it. There won't be seven-course meals followed by gondola rides around Venice's canals every afternoon. Travel is expensive. 

What sum of money? That depends on your travel preferences, which you could discover vary significantly once you've left home. Find out what matters most and how much money you have available before vacation. Although I'm not advising creating a budget for each activity, doing so can help prevent arguments over money when unforeseen expenses occur, as they inevitably will.

Dividing the enemy

An empty seat between you in a crowded economy cabin is even more desirable than sitting next to your sweetheart. Take the aisle and the window when selecting seats, leaving the space in the center unoccupied in the hopes that no one will purposefully choose the dreaded middle seat.

 Who in their right mind would choose it as their first option? Let's face it. Nearly 98% of the time, if the plane is packed and someone is given the middle seat, you may persuade them to switch seats to avoid feeling awkwardly sandwiched between a pair.

Avoid carrying around emotional baggage.

Try your best to distribute the clothing evenly across the two suitcases if you are preparing for a long trip that requires checked luggage.

 Avoiding the typical my bag vs. your bag packing default will prevent one person from being forced to wear the same outfit or taking time out of the vacation for an unexpected shopping excursion if one of the pieces of baggage gets misplaced along the way.

 Consolidating your belongings into one more giant suitcase rather than two smaller ones for each traveling partner might help you save up to $150 roundtrip on a European trip. Baggage prices are steadily rising. 

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